Tuesday, September 12, 2006

2. En Pleine Aire

Guiding Questions:
• Why draw/paint out of doors (en pleine aire)?
• What are the similarities and differences about working outdoors and indoors?
• Why did Claude Monet and his friends (Impressionists) paint en pleine aire?

• Experience drawing/painting outdoors
• Notice how light changes the appearance of objects
• Gain a better sense of one’s outdoor surroundings or environment
• Gain a sense of why painters like to paint en pleine aire.

• Watch and discuss Monet: Shadow and Light
• Make a sketchbook
• Practice drawing out of doors
Turn sketches into 12” x18” composition (watercolor or pastel)


En pleine aire—outdoors

Impressionism- “a style of painting that concentrates on the general tone and effect produced by a subject without elaboration of details.”

Encarta® World English Dictionary © 1999 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. Developed for Microsoft by Bloomsbury Publishing Plc.


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